126,054 research outputs found

    Subject area of economic science

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    У статті розглянуто становлення назви економічної науки та її зміни, склад і будову її предметного простору та деякі парадигмальні напрями розвитку. Нові ідеї і погляди супроводжуються методологічними пошуками нової якості економічної теорії у вигляді більш досконалих наукових парадигм.В статье рассмотрено становление названия экономической науки и его изменения, состав, строение предметного пространства и некоторые парадигмальные направления развития. Новые идеи и научные взгляды сопровождаются методологическими изысканиями нового качества экономической теории в виде более совершенных научных парадигм.Name formation of economic science and changes in the composition and structure of its objective space and some paradigmatic direction are considered in the article. New ideas and scientific views are accompanied by methodological studies of a new quality of economic theory in the form of improved scientific paradigms

    Practice-informed research: An alternative paradigm for scholastic enquiry in the built environment

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    This paper introduces the concept of practice-informed research. It offers this as an alternative approach to scholarship that has the potential to increase the relevance of research within universities, and to generate an increased level of dialogue between academics and practitioners. The article demonstrates the long academic pedigree of the proposed approach through an examination of established theoretical perspectives. It seeks to encourage debate about the legitimacy of academic research in a vocational subject area, and to encourage the adoption of a greater breadth of research approaches within the built environment subject area

    GSU Librarians are also Subject Area Specialists

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    Work Program of Academic Subject Area "Academic Writing"

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    Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни “Академічне письмо” складена відповідно до освітньо-професійної програми підготовки бакалавра. Напрям підготовки 6.020303 “Філологія. Мова і література (іноземна)”, 6.030301 "Журналістика", 6.030303 "Видавнича справа та редагування"Рабочая программа изучения учебной дисциплины "Академическое письмо" составлена в соответствии с образовательно-профессиональной программой подготовки бакадавра. Направление подготовки: 6.020303 “Філология. Язык и литература (иностранная)”, 6.030301 "Журналистика", 6.030303 "Издательское дело и редактирование".Work Program of Academic Subject Area "Academic Writing" is drawn up in accordance with the educational and professional program for Bachelor education in the following subject area: 6.020303 Language and Literature (Foreign), 6.030301 Journalistics, 6.030303 Publishing and Editing

    What is Meant and what is Understood? The Role of Written Assessment Feedback in the Fine Art Subject Area

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    Report written as part of a research project (The Pedagogy of Fine Art) exploring contemporary pedagogy and attitudes to teaching within the fine art subject area

    Applied Ontologies Formation Based on Subject Area Texts

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    The problems of the formation of applied conceptual systems based on ontologies constructed automatically from the texts of the subject area documents are considered. Algorithms of operations on ontologies using the thesaurus as a general conceptual basis, unifying the terminology of the subject area, are proposed. Experiments with ontology collection obtained from the texts of design documentation showed that the semantic similarity of the resulting concepts of the system can be increased through the use of thesaurus links.     Keywords: ontologies, thesaurus, operations on ontologies, graph theory, semantic similarity, Neo4j, Jav

    The Teaching Landscapes in Creative Subjects: Fine Art Area Report

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    Report written as part of a research project (The Pedagogy of Fine Art) exploring contemporary pedagogy and attitudes to teaching within the fine art subject area

    Fostering Intercultural Inquiry in Subject‐ Area Curriculum Courses

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    This study investigates the infusion of intercultural inquiry into subject‐area curricu‐ lum courses in a teacher education program. Drawing from data that include ques‐ tionnaires, student assignments, and interviews, the research focuses on how student teachers responded to critical explorations of diversity within curriculum courses in second language education, early childhood education, and art education. The find‐ ings indicate that most student teachers had limited prior experiences with diversity, leading to anxiety and uncertainty about their preparedness to work in diverse class‐ rooms. Although many were receptive to intercultural inquiry and perceived its value, some resisted efforts to critically challenge social inequality and privilege. Key words: teacher education, diversity, multicultural education, intercultural inquiry Cet article porte sur l’intégration de la recherche interculturelle dans un programme de formation à l’enseignement. Puisant dans des données tirées entre autres de questionnai‐ res, de travaux d’étudiants et d’entrevues, les auteurs cherchent essentiellement à examiner comment des étudiants‐maîtres réagissent aux explorations critiques de la diversité dans des cours en enseignement d’une langue seconde, en éducation préscolaire et en éducation artistique. D’après les résultats obtenus, la plupart des étudiants‐maîtres avaient au départ peu d’expérience de la diversité ; ils se sentaient donc anxieux et peu sûrs d’eux par rap‐ port à la perspective de travailler dans des classes hétérogènes. Si certains voyaient d’un bon œil la recherche interculturelle et étaient conscients de sa valeur, d’autres se mon‐ traient réticents à défier de façon critique des inégalités et des privilèges sociaux. Mots clés : formation à l’enseignement, diversité, éducation multiculturelle, recherche interculturelle

    A Multi-Level Analysis of World Scientific Output in Pharmacology

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    The purpose of this chapter is to analyse international research in “pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutics” (hereafter pharmacology) on the basis of the scientific papers listed in the Scopus multidisciplinary database. This primary objective is reached by answering the following questions (in the section on results). What weight does the subject area “pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutics” carry in world-wide science? What is the percentage contribution made by the various regions of the world to the subject area “pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutics”? Can certain regions be identified as leaders on that basis, as in other scientific contexts? Are emerging countries present in the field? Do the most productive countries also publish the largest number of journals? What features characterise the scientific output of companies that publish pharmacological papers

    Teacher Attitudes About Compensation Reform: Implications for Reform Implementation 2007

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    Examines how teachers' views of merit pay and additional pay for hard-to-staff schools, subjects, and additional certification differ by individual characteristics, including subject area, experience, and school performance. Considers policy implications